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Stephen Krupnick is a vagabond at heart, always with a camera in his hand.  His favorite sites on the internet are Google Maps and the American Airlines route map.  His goal in all his travels is to record the people, the places, and the environments that most of us will not get the opportunity to visit and see. 

His travels, and photography, have taken him around the world.  He has been to all 50 states and all seven continents. He has traveled 10,000 km across Russia, from Vladivostok on Russia’s east coast to Moscow via the Trans-Siberian Railroad.  He has traveled by train in India, and took the train from Lhasa, Tibet to Beijing, China.  Other recent trips have included Scotland, Tibet, Alaska (Barrow and Fairbanks), the Northern Lights, Nepal, Bhutan, Cuba, India, Iceland, Antarctica, Argentina, Chile, Japan, China, and Vietnam.  He recently completed a 7,500 mile road trip through nine states, photographing towns and vistas off the Interstate Highway system.  He has been north of the Arctic Circle, south of the Antarctic Circle, and has crossed and stood on the equator numerous times.

He travels with two Nikon cameras (a D810 and a D850), an array of lenses, and is always looking for that next great image. He is currently working on his next book of travels on the exploration of America, which will be available the third quarter of 2024.

Stephen is a graduate of New York University, and currently resides in Laguna Beach, California.  Should you wish to contact Stephen, his email is

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Nepal Himalayan Trek

Pang La Pass - Tibet      5150 meters - 16,892 feet

Punakha, Bhutan




Base Camp - Mt. Everest, Tibet 5200 meters - 17,056 ft.

Gorilla Trek with Francois Bigirimana - Rwanda

Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach




Namche Bazaar, Nepal

Havana, Cuba

Antarctica - My 7th continent

Stephen’s Equipment

What’s in My Camera Bag

My Artist Video

Me Around the World

Places I’ve Stayed

Photo Assignments

Stephen’s C.V.

Helpful Links

A link to Stephen’s YouTube Channel

Sawdust Art Festival Video (I shot the stills at the end of the video.)

Distances Between Points on the Globe I’ve Traveled.

Krupnik Shortage Stirs Panic

My Favorite Photographers





One of the great joys in my life - my Cherokee.


Soaring with Burt Compton in Marfa, Texas