Hennessey, OK
Hennessey, OK
Ness City, KS
Bison, OK
Medford, OK
Renfrow, OK
Pratt, KS
Pratt, KS
Rush Center, KS
Rush Center, KS
Scott City, KS
Nekoma, KS
Alexander, KS (Population 63)
Willard, NM
Dighton, KS
Liberty, KS
Stanton County, KS
Santa Fe Railroad - Outside Dalhart, TX
Nara Visa, NM
Bosque del Apache NWR - San Antonio, NM
Vaughn, NM
Hennessey, OK
Bosque, NM
Magdalena, NM
Nara Visa, NM
Route 60 - Magdalena, NM
Magdalena, NM
Lobo, TX
Pietown, NM
Prada Marfa - Valentine, TX
Marathon, TX
Marfa, TX
Old Palace Theater - Marfa, TX
Dryden, TX
Addington, OK
Van Horn, TX
Estancia, NM
Springerville, AZ
Sanderson, TX
Richfield, KS
Texas Longhorn - Old Oran Road and US281 - Mineral Wells, TX
Very Large Array - from the movie Contact - outside Socorro, NM
Thornberry, TX
Nara Visa, NM
Outside Dalhart, TX
Mountainair, NM
Sanderson, TX
Magdalena, New Mexico
Mountainair, NM
Socorro, NM